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Dutch activist group throws pies in face right-wing politician

pie 1: Against the free market fundamentalism!

pie 2: For the victims of neoliberalism!

pie 3: (literal translation from Dutch: who's sweet gets sweets, who's not gets a pie)

         Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's a TAART!

Click here for discussion, exchanging recipes or abusing TAART...

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Wednesday the 2nd of December the activist group against authoritarian anti-revolutionary people (TAART = Pie in Dutch) strikes for the fist time. In a building of the Leiden University Frits Bolkestein, former leader of the right-wing party VVD, just started his lecture when he received a tasteful vanilla-banana pie (vegan as well as organic) in his puffy face.

He got that because of the horrible things he's been doing all his career. This evening Bolkestein wanted to talk about the danger of a one party nation. We think he is absolutely right about this danger, funny enough he was one of the creators of this.

Some of his quotes:
* "Holland should only take up refugees from Europe"
* "Family reunion of refugees should no longer be tolerated"
* "We have no place for people who suffer from hunger and discrimination in their own country"

People like Frits Bolkestein have much influence. Neoliberalism is taking it's toll and is making it's victims. The thirdworld countries are robbed by Dutch companies, while refugees, people on social benefit and students are excluded from the Dutch society.

Bolkestein seems a good speaker and an untouchable person. But if you see him picking whipped cream from his nose you will see he is his just as venerable like anyone else. But he is the one who caused a lot of grieve and this is why he was the first one to receive a pie from TAART. There are other people who are responsible for the neoliberal crap on this earth. They too can count on a present from TAART.